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  • I was almost done with my analysis when my page refreshed and I lost it. Here's a summary: Pattern recognition is crucial, with notable bullish signs such as hovering above the 200 EMA, a potential breakout from the pink rectangular leading to a move below the yellow descending trendline, and the likelihood of a rapid rise to an all-time high or $3-3.2 level. The first bull run in late 2017 saw a 1600% increase, possibly repeating from the current $0.48-$0.50 range, projecting a target around $8 or precisely the 2.618 FIB level. Speculating a third wave surpassing $3, followed by a retracement to establish support before aiming for $6-8 in a fifth wave. On a macroeconomic scale, the chart indicates a clear potential for a substantial uptrend after six years of consolidation. The lack of an all-time high in the previous bull run post-COVID indicates significant momentum. XRP's solid support around $0.3-$0.5 suggests immense potential, especially given its history as a safe haven during market downturns. The possibility of XRP overtaking ETH to reclaim the second position in the market, as briefly witnessed in January 2018, adds to its bullish outlook. Anticipating a bull run reminiscent of late 2017, likely starting in the second quarter and peaking by the year's end.

  • What are your thoughts on the timing and future progression? Looks like we're gearing up for a breakout!

  • Once we successfully breach that descending yellow trendline, there's a high possibility of an unstoppable upward momentum. This breakout could potentially occur either before the halving event or shortly after it.

  • Despite the prolonged period of consolidation and trading within the range under the yellow descending trendline, coupled with another decline in BTC, the market continues to exhibit sideways movement. However, there is a possibility of a rapid turnaround on the horizon, so it's essential to stay prepared for potential shifts in the market dynamics.