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  • SOLUSD has been generating significant buzz in the cryptocurrency community lately due to its recent integration with PYPL. Here's a technical analysis breakdown: Based on my Free Probability Indicator, there is a 70.00% likelihood that SOLUSD could surge back above $210 and potentially even higher, presenting an optimistic outlook. For those considering trading SOLUSD, it is advisable to wait for clear indications of an upward price movement. Once the trend reversal is confirmed, it might be a good opportunity to enter the market, with a focus on monitoring the 8H Equilibrium for strategic positioning. Implementing a "trailing stop-loss" can be a prudent risk management strategy to safeguard against potential losses by automatically triggering a sell order if the price begins to decline post-purchase, securing any profits made. When engaging in trading activities, it is crucial to manage risk effectively by investing only what you can afford to lose and being mindful of the potential downsides. This information serves as guidance rather than financial advice, empowering individuals to conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions.

  • Trade executed successfully: target reached at TP1/8H/BSL levels.