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It run up to 120k right to the number

but the rejection needs to be seen around 76-81 and maybe 84 but idk yet. It would absolutely covid crash the price and wick it down to like almost zero. The return and I imagine where most people get in will be right around 25k maybe 29k. It climbs really fast at that point. retraces into may and june and then we get a big push to 1.2mil to round out the year. Then big crash.

That is all should this scenario play out

Otherwise this chart is worthless. I'm telling you, this is a very real scenario that could occur. But probability wise, it's low. But it fits, and it's possible. Keep an eye out. am crazy. okay. ty.

Alt coins need to spring and crash before bitcoin crashes

which takes them all down together, the alt coins mostly die and the profits likely pump bitcoin to those levels. Oh and then probably TSLA, META, MSFT, NVDA, APPLE and a few other all start saying they bought the dip. BIG jump. Followed by everyone saying "well it's a long term hold ya know, I play the long game, it'll come back to a mil."