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  • Bitcoin's price action has recently settled into a well-defined range, with the current price standing at $61,400. Previously, BTC faced resistance near the $71,500 mark and established support around $60,600. It's evident that Bitcoin's range is established between $60,600 and $71,500. For altcoins to see upward movement, Bitcoin must maintain this range without breaking out or breaking down. The $60,600 support level is crucial, as a breach could lead to Bitcoin losing the range and testing lower supports around $49,700. The ideal scenario for Bitcoin's price action is to remain within this range until it can surpass the $71,500 resistance and reach higher price levels. Current resistance levels within the range include $62,400, $64,300, $67,000, $69,800, and $71,500, while support levels below the range are at $57,900, $54,500, $52,200, and $49,700.

  • BTC is maintaining solid support at the 60600 level. Current resistance levels within the range include 62400, 64300, 67000, 69800, and 71500.