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  • Hello, Bitcoin Guide here. By becoming a "follower," you can stay updated with real-time comment notifications on travel routes and important sections. If you find my analysis helpful, kindly consider hitting the booster button below. Looking at the Bitcoin 30-minute chart, there's anticipation for Nasdaq indicators to be revealed at 9:30 a.m. Today, the beats have touched the support line on the 2-hour Bollinger Band chart due to no central line contact for 6 hours, leading to an incorrect vertical rise. The NASDAQ variable is also causing concern. Observing Nasdaq, there's a lack of vertical decline, only sideways movement. Even in tether dominance, the medium-term pattern has been disrupted. The key is to hold steady and avoid breaking away. Regarding the trading strategy, yesterday's long position maintenance at $60,709 in section 1 is crucial. I've linked it to the overall strategy, suggesting a stop loss if the green support line breaks this week. In terms of trading strategy, there's a shift from short to long with two-way neutrality. The short position entry zone is at $61,708 with a stop loss if the red resistance line is breached. Conversely, for long position switching at $61,072, the stop loss triggers if the green support line breaks. Navigation-wise, section 1 signifies an upward sloping market, while section 2 indicates a downward sloping sideways market. Direct adjustments can be made from the current position, but note that the long position switching segment may vary. Currently, the position aligns with the Bollinger Band resistance line on the 1-hour chart, marking a period for short position maneuver post-touch. For immediate fallback scenarios, consider Bottom -> Section 3 at the bottom. For those who initiated shorts near the pink resistance line, breaking through the pink and orange resistance lines could serve as a stop-loss indication. I encourage you to refer to my analysis and apply it accordingly, especially during the dull sideways market phase. Your support is greatly appreciated. Wishing you a successful day ahead.

  • Trade currently in progress: Welcome to the real-time Bitcoin 30-minute chart analysis. Stay tuned for the detailed update around 8 PM. Our current strategy is centered around the 6-hour Bollinger Band central line, with adjustments made as the market evolves. When the light blue line shifts from short to long, we adapt our approach accordingly. Here are the key points: - Short entry at $61,994 with a stop loss triggered by a breakout below the red resistance line. - Long entry switch at $61,431.5 with a stop loss triggered by a breakout below the green support line. The overall order of operation remains Top -> Good -> Gap. Wishing you successful trades ahead. Best of luck!