Elon Musk’s 2021 Bitcoin Price Predictions: A Closer Look at Their Accuracy

Elon Musk predicting BTC price? Hardly so, but…

A prominent user of the X platform, Bitcoin Archive, has claimed that Elon Musk made three accurate Bitcoin price predictions three years ago. He cited a conversation, in which the tech magnate then stepped in with a comment.

Dogecoin developer Michi Lumin then tweeted that it is a good idea to start tweeting “obtuse and vague things in the hopes that some people will interpret them as coded, meaningful, and mysterious.” The developer pointed out that this was what the Dogecoin cofounder Billy Markus was already doing, and so was Elon Musk.

Markus did not join the discussion, but Musk did. He responded with a sequence of digits as if to confirm the statement made by Lumin in the tweet.

Musk’s sequence coincided with some future BTC prices

Going even further than just “three accurate predictions,” one can check all the numbers posted by Elon to see if they matched any price tags reached by BTC after his tweet and until now.

From the sequence Musk tweeted: Bitcoin reached $61,000 in March 2021 (but that was before he published that tweet), then in November 2021, the world’s paramount cryptocurrency surged to $69,000 (that could be 68 in Elon’s sequence). Then, BTC dropped slightly below $20,000 in July 2022. In March 2024, Bitcoin soared to a historic peak close to $74,000 and then fell back close to $65,000 in late April this year.

Even if some of the digits posted by Musk may seem to coincide with certain Bitcoin price surges and dumps in the past, it is most likely that this was no more than a curious accident, a coincidence, since Musk may have outstanding business intuition but he can hardly predict BTC prices.